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Poster Presenter Guidelines:

Congratulations on being accepted as a poster presenter at Oasis 8.

Please note:

– The official language of the meeting is English and all presentations must be delivered in English only.
– All abstracts will be published in the abstract supplement to all conference participants.
All poster presenters must pre-register for the conference online.
Presenters must submit a digital PDF file not later than December 4th 2022.
When you arrive, please introduce yourself as a poster presenter at the registration desk.
There will be 8 Screens working simultaneously at the Foyer at the Hotel.
Presenters are advised to stand next to their poster board(s) for informal discussion during their assigned sessions, according to the table below. During that time, your session chair will be walking around to ask questions about the poster.

The dimensions of the screen for the E- Posters : 
The poster will be a portrait poster and the screen will be 55 inch ( 16:9 ).
Please allocate the top of the poster for the title and authors- as stated on the submitted abstract.

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