Conference Chair

Prof. Abraham Katzir
Tel Aviv University, Irael
Session Chairs

Dr. Ariel Bruner
Lasers and Applications
Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Israel

Prof. David Cahen
Solar Energy
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan & Weizmann Inst. of Science, Rehovot, Israel

Dr. Rami Cohen
Electro-Optics in Industry
ELOP, Elbit systems-ISTAR, Israel

Prof. Dror Fixler
Medicine and Biology
Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel

Dr. Marcus Gilad
Ultrafast Phenomena
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Dr. Ilya Goykhman
Electro-Optic Devices
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

Dr. Inbar Hanni
Optical Engineering
Israel Aerospace Industries, Lod, Israel

Prof. Alina
Micro and Nano-Optics
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Prof. Nadav Katz
Quantum Computers
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Prof. Haim
Nonlinear Optics
Tel Aviv University, Israel

Prof. Dan Oron
Atomic and Quantum Optics
Dept. of Complex Systems Weizmann Inst. of Science, Rehovot, Israel

Dr. Ayala Ronen
Spectroscopy and Optical Sensing
Israel Inst. for Biological Research, Ness Ziona, Israel

Prof. Yoav
Artificial Intelligence in Optics
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

Dr. Ami Yaacobi
Electro-Optics in Defense
Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, Haifa, Israel